Student Services
To contact any of the teachers below, please call 613.256.1470
and select the extension indicated beside their name.
Guidance Counsellor
Ms. Tracy Brown - ext. 530
[email protected]
Cooperative Education Teacher
Ms. Melissa Kerwin
[email protected]
Guidance Office Assistant
Ms. Cassandra Summers - ext. 506
[email protected]
Please feel free
to come into Student Services. Our door is always open!
Students may be counselled on a
regular basis, and they are also encouraged to see a counsellor whenever they
need information or assistance. Teachers or parents may also request that a
counsellor speak with a student. Parents are invited to contact the Student
Services office at any time to arrange an interview with a counsellor for the
purpose of discussing any matter which they believe may be affecting the
progress of their son or daughter.
Check out
the Civil Construction Careers Institute website for information for high school
students interested in Civil Construction and career opportunities.
We will be
offering several presentations during the year by various Colleges and
Universities within Canada. (See links to the left)
These are open to all potential graduates. There
will be sign-up sheets posted outside of Student Services.
Location may vary. Check schedule, listen to announcements.