Dear Students, Parents and Guardians:
Some important information items from ADHS Student Services are listed below:
1. Semester 2 Midterm Report Cards and the Full Disclosure Date
2. Summer Semester Registration Should Open Soon
3. Grade 10 Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT)
4. Opportunities for Community Involvement (Volunteer Hours)
5. Mental Health Supports: One Stop Talk and Open Doors School Program
6. Grade 12: Important dates for Graduates
7. Grade 12 Students who turn 18: Granting Consent to Contact Parents
8. Grade 12 Scholarship Opportunities
Midterm report cards for Semester 2 will be sent home on Thursday, April 25th. Any parents/guardians who have concerns or questions about their student’s progress are encouraged to contact their student’s teachers. The official Semester 2 Full Disclosure Date for senior students is Friday, May 3rd. However, it is in the BEST interest of grade 12 students to process any course withdrawals by April 24th so that the mark transmission to OUAC and OCAS is accurate and does not include course marks students do not want the college and universities to consider. Dropping a course in advance of the full disclosure date means that it will not appear on a student’s transcript. Any student who wants to drop a course should make an appointment in Student Services as soon as possible.
Registration for Summer Semester reach ahead courses, upgrade courses, and credit recovery typically opens at some point in April. When it does, we will make announcements at school and email relevant information to families. When registration opens, students and families who are interested, should connect with Ms. Brown or send her an email ([email protected]) indicating the student’s course preferences.
Grade 10 students who are taking English this semester must write the literacy test (OSSLT). Most of these students have already written their test; the final group will be writing it this week. Taking this test is mandatory and is the first way that students can complete the literacy requirement for graduation. If you have any questions about the test, please contact Mrs. Martin, our OSSLT teacher lead, at [email protected] .
There are many opportunities currently available for students to earn Community Service hours. Some of our current volunteer requests include the following:
• ADHS Drama Club needs help with snack table set up, ticket taking, program distribution, Cappies event, etc. for their production of Peter and the Starcatcher. Dates include April 18-20th 7:00-10:00 pm and Sunday, April 21st 11:00am-5:30 pm. Please contact Ms. Brown if interested.
• AGH Run for Women’s and Newborn’s Health is a fundraising event for the Obstetrics Unit at the Almonte General Hospital. The organizers are looking for help with set up, at water stations, with kids activities, and with tear down at the end. The event takes place on June 8th and runs from 8:00-12:00 with set up volunteers beginning their shifts at 6:00 am. If interested, please see Ms. Brown or Ms. Summers in Student Services.
• North Lanark Agricultural Society (NLAS) needs help with several events and activities between the months of April to October including:
*Spring opening and fall closing of the grounds
*Property maintenance, light construction, building repairs during the year
*Being a “runner” at car toot bingo in August
*Set up and tear down before and after the Fair in September
*Assistance with ticket taking, grounds maintenance, wagon rides and more during the Fair
If you are interested in any of the above opportunities, please see Ms. Brown for the NLAS Volunteer Coordinator’s email address.
• CHOITF World Cup (Chan Hun International Taekwon-Do Federation) will take place in Almonte at the John Levi Community Centre from 8:00-4:00 pm on May 11, 2024. They are looking for student volunteers to assist with time keeping and to act as Ring assistants. Lunch will be provided. If you are interested, please email info@[email protected] .
• Almonte Tennis Club (ATC) is looking for keen students to assist with a variety of roles including a Youth Ambassador position, a court maintenance assistant, and an helper for the club’s Information and Records Clerk. Interested students should speak with Ms. Brown in Student Services for more information or contact the ATC at [email protected] .
• Women’s Ball Hockey League is looking for student volunteers to act as scorekeepers for their season. Games are on Tues. and Thurs. from 7:00-10:00 starting at the end of April. If you are interested, please contact Mrs. Swrjeski.
One Stop Talk is a new program offering children and youth free mental health support. The program provides single session counselling support and ensures direct referral to additional services when needed. Students can access the supports through or at 1-855-416-8255. The service is available Monday to Friday from 12PM – 8PM and Saturdays from 12PM – 4PM. A flyer with more information has been sent along with this newsletter.
Open Doors is a resource for students who may be experiencing difficulties at school or in their personal lives. If a student is feeling down, worried, overwhelmed, alone or struggling in some other way, students can contact Open Doors directly through their website or see Ms. Brown to complete a referral on their behalf. Open Doors will arrange for a free ‘talk-in” or virtual appointment within 48 hours of the student reaching out. This program is completely confidential. The session can take place at school in a private setting during the school day as needed. Please see Ms. Brown if you have questions.
Potential graduates are reminded that some important dates coming up in the near future:
• OUAC: May 29th is the latest date by which students who submitted their applications to OUAC by the January 15th deadline can expect a response from an Ontario university. This includes: an offer of admission; a refusal; or a deferral. Students are reminded that the earliest date a current Ontario high school student may be required to confirm their offers and give a financial commitment is June 3rd.
• OCAS: Students who have applied to college are reminded that they must confirm their Offers of Admissions by May 1st and that tuition deposits are typically due in June though the exact dates may vary between colleges and programs.
College and university offers continue to go out to students so please check your OUAC and OCAS accounts regularly as well as your email. There are still many college and university programs that are open and students can still apply. If you have any concerns about your applications please come to Student Services.
READ YOUR EMAILS! Please remember that colleges and universities, as well as guidance staff at ADHS will use your email as a primary method of communication. It is very important that you carefully read and act upon email communications and requests.
Grade 12 students and their families are reminded that when a student turns 18, the school is no longer able to contact their parents or guardians without the student’s consent. Students should see our Main Office staff to confirm consent for contact home if that is their preference.
To do research for scholarships, students can go to the websites of the schools to which they apply or go to , , or
Students should also take note of the following scholarship applications offered through community groups and available in Student Services:
- Cliff Bennett Nature Bursary Fund – open to students who have demonstrated an interest in and appreciation of the natural environment and who have experience in this field. Applicants may be planning to attend a college, university, or technical institution post-secondary. Applicants should be able to explain how their post-secondary studies relate to and will contribute to the preservation and improvement of the natural world. Applications are available online at: . Deadline is Wednesday, May 1st.
- Heritage Fitness Scholarship –This scholarship is awarded to encourage and support local youth as they pursue studies at college, university or in the trades. It is $1000 scholarship offered by Heritage Fitness of Carleton Place. The deadline for completing an application is Friday, May 10th at 2:30 pm. You can submit hardcopies to Ms. Brown in Student Services. Ms. Brown will not accept any late applications. For details of the award and the application process, please visit: .
- Naismith Basketball Association Student Award – The Naismith Basketball Association is offering three $1000 scholarships to graduates from local high schools who have been involved in some way with Naismith Basketball during their primary and/or secondary years (ex. a player, a volunteer, a referee or a Jr. coach). The award will be given to students who best represent the values of Dr. James Naismith - fairness, excellence, inclusion and fun! Please visit the following website for details of the award’s criteria and the application process: . The deadline for applying is Tuesday, May 21st at 11:59 pm.
- R. Tait McKenzie Scholarship Awards – The R. Tait McKenzie Award nominations are now closed and we are happy to announce our list of nominees: Oliver Anderson, Olivia Bradley, Carys Clarke, Jake Coyne, Maya Crawford, Emily Currie, Jayla Currie, Trent Guignion, Getson Hall, Grace Hickey, Cody Mitchell, Hailey O’Keefe, Hannah Robinson, Dan Scott, Nicholas Scribner, Madison Sonnenburg, Matthew Stewart, and Caitlyn Toop. Congratulations on being recognized by the staff and students at ADHS. Nominees are reminded that their application packages must be submitted to Ms. Brown by 2:30 pm on Tuesday, April 25th.
- Association of Justices of the Peace of Ontario (AJPO) Bursaries for Grade 12 Students Pursuing Studies Towards a Career in Law – Bursaries are available to grade 12 students in Ontario pursuing post-secondary studies related to many careers in the justice system at Ontario institutions. These bursaries were created to assist students who demonstrate academic excellence and commitment to their studies and who are in financial need. Deadline is May 27th. Please see: Bursaries for Grade 12 Students Pursuing Studies Toward a Career in Law (
- Ontario Provincial Police Youth Foundation $1000 Bursary Awards – For each OPP Region in Ontario, the OPP Youth Foundation will award two $1000 bursaries to students graduating from secondary school in Ontario to support their attendance at a university, college or apprenticeship type program. Financial need and academic goals are the main criteria for the awards. The deadline for applying is April 30th 2024. Please see Ms. Brown if you would like more application information.
- Lincoln M. Alexander Award - Recognizes young people who have shown strong leadership in eliminating racial discrimination. Three awards are given out each year: Two Student Awards and one Community Award. Deadline is May 31st. Please see: Honours and awards: inclusion | .
- Meridian’s Sean Jackson Scholarship – Recognizes and rewards community initiative, innovation and impact among Ontario youth. This $10 000 scholarship is awarded to a high school graduate who has demonstrated both academic excellence and an outstanding commitment to his/her/their community. Deadline is April 30th. Please see: .
- DAVID RITCHIE WORLD OUTLOOK AWARD is given annually to a graduating student who has a global outlook and has excelled over four years in Canadian and World Studies. It is valued at $2000. there is no application for this award as it's recipient is chosen by the Commencement Awards Committee.
As always, we wish you all the best.
The Staff in Student Services