Mandatory Community Involvement
Effective September 1, 1999, and starting again on September 6, 2022, every student who begins secondary school in Ontario is required to complete 40 hours of community involvement in order to receive a diploma. Students can begin collecting their hours in the summer following Grade 8 graduation.
The purpose of this requirement is to encourage students to understand the various roles they can play in their community and to help develop a greater sense of civic responsibility and belonging within the community.
- Students can not be paid for the event.
- These activities must take place outside of class time (i.e. lunch hour, before/after school and weekends).
- It must not be part of a credit course including work experiences. related to credits (i.e. co-op, job shadowing, work experience).
- All 40 hours must be completed by the end of Grade 12.
Please pick up the Mandatory Community Involvement Guide in Student Services and a copy of the Community Involvement tracking form or it can be printed here: Notification of Planned Community Involvement.pdf
Student Services will make announcements and keep a binder of opportunities that come to us from the community. There is also a bulletin board around the corner from the main office to check out.
If you have any additional questions regarding mandatory community involvement, please see Student Services.
Some Volunteer Opportunities you might like to check out include the following;
*Almonte General Hospital & Fairview Manor Junior Volunteer Program
*Local Fairs
*Local Festivals
*Local Libraries
*Local Youth Groups
*Local Pet Rescues
*School sports and Student Council events
If you are a non-profit community group looking for student volunteers, please call Ms. Summers at 613-256-1470 ext. 508 and we can give our students the details.