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Microsoft Office FREE Download!

Available to all students...

FREE Microsoft Office Download!

Office 365

Do you want to create snazzy projects for class?

Do you need a place to store your class notes?

We have some exciting news for you!

You are now able to download the following Microsoft Office programs onto your home PC or Mac, and even your mobile device for FREE!

  • Microsoft Word – create documents and reports
  • Microsoft Excel – create spreadsheets
  • Microsoft Outlook – manage your email and contacts
  • Microsoft PowerPoint – create presentations
  • Microsoft Publisher – create posters and brochures
  • Microsoft OneNote – take class notes
  • Microsoft Lync – instant message your friends
  • Microsoft Access – create databases
  • Microsoft InfoPath – create forms

To download these programs onto your home PC or MAC:

1. Login to using your school username and password.

2. Click on the ‘wheel’ in the top right corner ( )

3. Click on Office 365 settings.

4. Click Install and Manage Software.

5. Click Install.

6. Click Run.

To download these programs onto your mobile device (i.e., iPhone, Android):

1. Open the App Store

2. Search for “Microsoft Office Mobile

3. Follow directions on the mobile device for installation.

4. You will need to enter your school username and password to complete the installation.

Need help? For step-by-step instructions, please check out the How-to documents or see an administrator.

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